Easter 1916


A Level English : Yeats Mindmap am Easter 1916, erstellt von olimpiapignatti am 21/02/2014.
Mindmap von olimpiapignatti, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von olimpiapignatti vor fast 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Easter 1916
  1. Nature
    1. "the birds that range / from cloud to tumbling cloud" how dramatic and ominous the "tumbling clouds" are
      1. compared to the W.S where the "water / Mirrors a still sky" and we get a sense of harmony and serenity in nature - in this poem we get a sense of the turbulence that Y is describing mirrored in the nature
        1. Like wise in I.A he drives to "this tumult in the clouds" where he will die - so we see how Y uses pathetic fallacy to convey his ----- mood < what is his mood?
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