Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Developmental delay
- Causes / influences
- Biological
- Pre-natal
- Genetic
- Neurocutaneous syndromes
- Neurofibromatosis
- tuberous sclerosis
- chromosome
- downs syndrome
- fragile X
- Vascular
- occlusions
- haemorrhage
- Metabolic
- hypothyroid
- Phenylketonuria
- teratogenic
- alcohol
- smoking
- medication
- antiepilpetics
- cytotoxics
- drug abuse
- pestacides / radiation
- Infectious
- rubella, CMV, toxoplasmosis, HIV
- varicella, malaria
- perinatal
- extreme prematurity
- intraventicular haemorrhage / periventricular leucomalacia
- birth asphyxia
- hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy
- metabolic
- symptomatic hypoglycaemia or hyperbilirubinaemia
- post-natal
- infection
- meningitis
- encephalitis
- anoxia
- suffocation
- near drowning
- seizures
- trauma
- head injury
- metabolic
- hypoglycaemia
- hypothyroid
- inborn errors of meatbolism
- hyper / hyponatraemia
- dehydration
- vascular
- stroke
- toxins
- lead, mercury, arsenic etc
- nutrition
- Vit D, B12, folate, iron esp
- protein
- malabsorption?
- Social
- Community
- resources
- support
- Family
- parenting capacity
- basic care
- emotional warmth
- stimulation
- guidance and boundries
- stability
- history and functioning
- housing
- income
- violence and abuse
- education
- health and access to healthcare
- Psycological
- maternal mental health
- post natal depression
- investigations
- developmental assessment
- put any delays in context of other milestones
- red flags
- general
- loss of previously acquired skill
- parental concern
- poor interaction with others
- abnormal tone
- difference in strength between
left and right side
- 2 years
- has less than 50 words
- difficulty handling small objects
- unable to climb stairs
- no interest in feeding or dressing
- 18 months
- no clear words
- uninterested in playing with others
- not walking without support
- not able to hold crayon
- unable to stack two blocks
- cytogenetics
- chromosome karytopyping, fragile X analysis, DNA FISH analysis
- metabiloic
- TFTs, LFTs, U+Es, bone chemistry, plasma amino acids
- creatine kinase (DMD), lactate, VLCFA,
ammonia, blood gas, white cell enzymes, urine
amino and organic acids etc
- maternal amino acids for raised phenylalanine
- congenital infection screen
- imaging
- cranial US in neonate
- CT / MRI brain
- skeletal survey, bone age
- neurophysiology
- EEG, VEP, Nerve conduction tc
- nerve and muscle biopsy
- hearing and vision
- abnormal motor development
- causes
- central motor deficit
- cerebral palsy
- spastic CP
- damage to corticospinal tract
- hemiplegic
- tip toe walk
- usually neonatal stroke
- quadriplegic
- sll four limbs, trunk, seizures, microcephaly, intellectual impairment
- HIE usually cause
- diplegic
- legs much more than arms
- usually preterm with periventricular brain damage
- clinical features
- abnormal limb + / or trunk posture and tone
and delyed motor milestonse
- feeding difficulties
- abnormal gait
- asymmetric hand function before 12 months
- persisting primitive reflexes
- dyskinetic
- chorea, athetosis, dystonia
- floppiness, poor trunk control, delayed motor development
- HIE and hyperbillirubinaemia with rhesus haemolytic disease
- ataxic
- early trunk and limb hypotonia, poor balance, delayed motor development, inco-ordination, intention tremor, ataxic gait
- usually genetic but may be acquired - symptoms depend on site and extent of damage
- mixed
- congenital myopathy / primary muscle disease
- duchenne / beckers muscular dystrophy
- spinal cord lesions
- spina bifida
- Part of syndrome causing global developmental delay
- abnormal speech and language development
- causes
- hearing loss
- secretory otitis media
- global developmental delay
- motor problem e.g. CP
- anatomical problem e.g. cleft palate
- environmental deprivation / lack of
opportunity for social interaction
- normal variant / familial pattern
- following meningoencephalitis or head injury
- autistic spectrum disorders
- investigations
- developmental assessment
- other developmental problems?
- if less than 50 words at 3 years
- hearing test
- language development test
- abnormal development of social / communication skills
- autistic spectrum disorders
- features
- impaired social interactions
- speech and language disorders
- imposition of routines with ritualistic and repetitive behavoir
- co-morbidities
- seizures, learning and attention difficulties
- hearing impairment
- sensorineural
- genetic
- ante and perinatal
- congenital infection
- preterm
- hyperbilirubinaemia
- postnatal
- head injury
- meningitis / encephalitis
- drugs e.g. aminoglycasides
- neurodegenerative disorders
- conductive
- otitis media with effusion
- Eustachian tube dysfunction
- downs
- pierre robin sequence
- cleft palate
- mid facil hypoplasia
- wax
- abnormal vision
- signs
- loss of red reflex (cateract)
- white reflex (ROP,
cateract or retinoblastoma
- not smiling by 6 weeks
- visual inattention, lack of eye contact
- nystagmus, squint, photophobia
- causes
- genetic
- cateract
- albinism
- retinal dystrophy
- retinoblastoma
- antenatal and perinatal
- congential infection
- cerebral abnormality / damage
- optic nerve hypoplasia
- postnatal
- trauma
- infection
- juvenile idiopathic arthritis
- strabismus (squint)
- check red reflex
- concomitant
- non paralytic refractive error
- paralytic - paralysis of motor nerves
- cover test
- refractive errors
- hypermetropia
- myopia
- astigmatism
- abnormal corneal curvature
- amblyopia
- potentially permanent loss of visual acuity in the eye that has not received a clear image due to any interference with visual development