

basketball layups
Ethan Wagner - R
Mindmap von Ethan Wagner - R, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Ethan Wagner - R
Erstellt von Ethan Wagner - R vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. Is it easier to do a layup with your dominite hand?
    1. is a left hannded layup esier then a right handed?
      1. It depends on witch of your hands is your dominate hand.
      2. Does your height effect how you do your layup?
        1. Dose genetics effect how you do a layup?
          1. Dose your age effect how you do a layup?
            1. dose the way you do a layup effect if the ball goes into the basket
              1. Is it better to practice a layup with both hands evenly?
                1. Is it better to practice more with your dominite hand?
                  1. is it better to practice more with your nondominite hand
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