Ten Ways To Build Rapport With Your Students


Franco Olate Rey
Mindmap von Franco Olate Rey, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Franco Olate Rey
Erstellt von Franco Olate Rey vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Ten Ways To Build Rapport With Your Students
  1. why is it important?


    • why is it important?why?
    1. to increase intelligence on students
      1. to have fewer discipline problems
        1. students become more independent
        2. by being transparent
          1. your home
            1. as if they were your guests
            2. names
              1. diagram of the students seating plan and names in the places. names written on desks.
              2. emotions
                1. express your likes and dislikes. 30 seconds to express how they feel
              3. by prizing
                1. behaviour
                  1. work or behaviour can be bad but students are still valuable
                  2. appreciation
                    1. be very polite
                    2. praise
                      1. well done!
                    3. by showing empathy
                      1. VAK
                        1. accommodate to different learning styles
                        2. mirroring
                          1. mirror their different facial expressions
                          2. echoing
                            1. say what you hear your students saying
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