Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- TITLE: The three Rs
- ACTIVITY: Photography contest of actions representing the three Rs
- STUDENTS' AGE: 12-13
- SUBJECTS: English, Biology, ICT
- LANGUAGE: English
- PROCEDURE: Students take pictures of examples of the three Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) at school, at home and in the street. In
groups they write and record a description of the pictures and the way these actions help the planet (Fotobabble). They put their
works in Padlet. They form international groups to choose the best works using a Rubric (Twinspace, chat). Finally they meet on
Skype to give the results.
- OBJECTIVES: - To describe photographs
- To communicate in order to reach an
agreement - To develop an ecological
conscience - To use different ICT tools
- TOOLS: - Fotobbable - Padlet
- Twinspace (chat, Skype)
- ASSESSMENT: - Rubric for the students to select the best photographs and descriptions
- Rubric for teachers to assess works and work process