cellular response in defence


Mindmap am cellular response in defence, erstellt von lithy am 26/04/2013.
Mindmap von lithy, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von lithy vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

cellular response in defence
  1. innate immunity
    1. inborn and unchanging
      1. skin
        1. stomach acid
          1. lysozyme in tears
            1. interferon
              1. phagocytosis
              2. phagocytosis
                1. cell eating
                  1. macrophage
                    1. phagocyte
                  2. enzyme - lysosomes
                    1. digests the bacterium
                  3. acuired immunity
                    1. antigen is a alien body
                      1. stimulates anibodys
                        1. Each arm on Y shape has a receptor site
                      2. naturally acquired
                        1. T and B cells
                          1. B-lymphocytes
                            1. stimulate antigen
                              1. memory cells
                                1. hormone response
                              2. T-lymphocytes
                                1. killer T cells
                                  1. destroys the infected cell
                                    1. perforates the cell membrane
                                  2. cell meditated response
                                    1. helper T cells
                                      1. patrol the body looking for antigens
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