Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- proletariat
- working class
- exploited
- consume goods
with profit
- produce the wealth
- capitalism
- an economic system based
on the exchange of goods
and services for profit
- profit: surplus value
- intensification
of production
- economic crisis
- capitalism is bound by it
- workers have to buy products to maintain capitalism
- less salary = less consuming
- bourgeoisie
- own the means of production
- ruling class
- exploiters
- Marxism and
Beliefs in Society
- "Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature,
the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of
soulless conditions. It is the opium of the
people. The abolition of religion as the illusory
happiness of the people is required for their
real happiness” - Karl Marx (1844)
- Opiate of the people/the masses
- Religion is an illusion which eases the
pain of exploitation in capitalist
society. In a communist utopia
religion ceases to exist because there
is no need for it.
- ‘Religion is a kind of spiritual
gin in which slaves of capital
drown their human shape and
their claims to any decent life’
- Lenin
- dominant ideology: : Religious beliefs are a form of
ideology that prevents revolutionary consciousness.
People are in a state of false consciousness.
- religion contributes to social control through ideology.
- alienation: self-delusion of individuals from themselves
and others. Religion represents a set of ideas that are
created by humanity, but which humanity lets rule over
them. This prevents revolutionary consciousness and
social change.
- religion justifies social order
- "all things bright at beautiful"
- religion makes a virtue of suffering
- religion promises heaven for the poor
- camel through the eye of a needle
- religion is a tool for the ruling class to
help provide a false consciousness
- legitimises and maintains inequalities
through socialisation
- diverts attention away from capitalism
- prevents revolution
- conflict theory
- based on inequalities
- inequalities lead to change
- change leads to revolution
- INSTITUTIONS promote an
ideological view of the world
- eg education, the family, religion
- activist
- revolution in captialism
- leads to socialism
- turns into communism