Characteristics of the New Media


Mindmap am Characteristics of the New Media, erstellt von Grace Griffin am 12/07/2016.
Grace Griffin
Mindmap von Grace Griffin, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Grace Griffin
Erstellt von Grace Griffin vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Characteristics of the New Media
  1. Digitalisation
    1. Has grown since to 1990s
      1. resulted in changes in how information is stored
        1. All information is converted into a binary code
          1. Changes have been made to how information is transmitted
          2. Choice
            1. Jenkins argues audiences can now interact with a variety of media
              1. One device is often used
                1. Greater degree of choice compared to pre-1990s media audiences
                  1. Boyle (2005) society's use of TV has evolved form a system of supply-led TV to a demand-led television
                    1. This was organised around the idea that viewers and subscribers should be able to chose what they ant to watch
                    2. Viewers are no longer constrained by TV subcultures
                    3. Interactivity
                      1. Responsive in 'real time'
                        1. Cookies appear on webistes
                          1. Pressing the red button to vote or using an app
                            1. You can comment on pictures and other posts
                              1. Epitomises as it lets users select the stories they want to interact with
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