Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Characteristics of the
New Media
- Digitalisation
- Has grown
since to 1990s
- resulted in
changes in how
information is
- All information is
converted into a
binary code
- Changes have been
made to how
information is
- Choice
- Jenkins argues
audiences can
now interact with
a variety of media
- One device
is often
- Greater degree of choice
compared to pre-1990s
media audiences
- Boyle (2005) society's use of
TV has evolved form a
system of supply-led TV to a
demand-led television
- This was organised around the idea that
viewers and subscribers should be able to
chose what they ant to watch
- Viewers are
no longer
by TV
- Interactivity
- Responsive in 'real time'
- Cookies appear on webistes
- Pressing the red button to vote
or using an app
- You can comment on
pictures and other posts
- Epitomises as it lets users select
the stories they want to interact