Attention and Computing


Masters Mind Body Brain Mindmap am Attention and Computing, erstellt von Amberlee Green am 27/04/2013.
Amberlee Green
Mindmap von Amberlee Green, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Amberlee Green
Erstellt von Amberlee Green vor fast 12 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Attention and Computing
  1. Visual Attention
    1. Attention limits entry into capacity processing system by selecting subset of available info
      1. Takes place by competing therories; Early selection and Late selection
        1. Perceptual Load - Lavie, 1995, selction is early or late depending on how much processing (load) needs to be taken
      2. Is selective attention; spatial or object based?
        1. Space
          1. Spotlight Analogy. Posner, 1980 - attention is like a spotlight, enhancing everything in its beam.
            1. illuminate/activates info around it
              1. EVIDENCE - Posner, 1980
                1. Exogenous/external (bottom up); reflexes and sudden changes (e.g. flash/clap) based on whats actually happening in the environment
                  1. Endogenous//internal (top down); controlled, instructed to send attention there; based on what the observer believes
                    1. EVIDENCE Posner et al - used boxes; better reaction time for valid than invalid location
                  2. Zoom LensTheory - Eriksen and St. James 1986- additon to spotlight theory.
                    1. Narrow Beam - focus on middle of word
                      1. EVIDENCE Laberge, 1983, supported this with 5 letter words
                      2. Broad Beam - focus on everything/the whole word
                      3. Spatial Attention - Bichot, Cave et al, 1999)
                        1. Can be split across two locations
                        2. Neural sites; studied via human brain lesions, brain scans and monkeys. EVIDENCE Posner & Peterson, 1990 (Posterier/Anterior)
                          1. Posterior - expression of attention. Three interacting systems - disengagement, shifts and engagment of attention (exogenous)
                            1. Anterior - control of attention (endogenous)
                            2. EVIDENCE (for space attention) Disorders
                              1. Unilateral pareital damage = neglect syndrome
                                1. left side neglect more commom as right hemisphere represents left (and a small bit of right)
                                  1. Neglect is a propblem with attention not low-level perception
                              2. Object
                                1. attention can be directed at objects aswell as space
                                  1. Rock and Guttman, 1981, layed two objects on top of each other, subjects had to attend to one. Later, they could not remembr the unattended one.
                                  2. Neglect patients can also have trouble e.g. disect line off centre as they cant see the full line
                                    1. Duncan, 1984 - easier to judge two attributes of one object that the same two from dif. objects even though spatial distance is the same
                                2. Attention 2
                                  1. Selective attention can be drawn towards the location of emotional stimuli
                                  2. Mind and Computing
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