Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Laudianism: Evaluate Laud’s
impact in religious issues in
England and Scotland
- Laudian bishops at key
- Neile, York
- Wren, Ely
- Pierce, Bath and Wells
- Laud- Archbishop Canterbury 1633
- "Laud was the most hated archbishop in English history"
- Doctrinal position and aims that were completely opposite to most Englishmen’s views
- Removed family pews, upsetting social status
- Intensified campaign against unlicensed preaching
- Theology
- Challenges Pre-destination
- Importance of "Totality of Christ's redemption", all could achieve salvation
- Ensure good behaviour/control
- Worked hard achieve salvation
- Keeps them in church, so can receive key messages
- Stick to laws
- Ceremony emphasised- Catholic
- e.g Incense
- "beauty of worship"
- Altar Policy
- Communion table moved from nave to east
end (where Catholic altar had been)
- embroidered cloth
- Railed off
- Chancel raised by steps, separated by rail
- Feoffees of Impropriations
- Rich, gentry puritans
- Money raised appoint clergy to ensure puritan preaching in parish
- Stopped to restore authority of church, to prevent undermining of Charles
- Gentry pews removed- social standing not important
- Preaching on Puritan doctrine limited by direct legal attack 1633
- Intensified campaign against unlicensed
- Book of Sports 1633
- Direct attack on Puritan Sabbatarianism
- They believed Sundays were for prayer and reflection only
- James I issued one 1618
- Read from pulpit
- whole community
- failing to read it lead to
clergyman kicked out and
- Visitations
- Bishops visit/report
- Presentment bills
- Esp physical appearance