Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Roll of Thunder Hear my Cry - Rebecca Popovich
- Settings
- Characters
- The Logan Family
- Cassie Logan
- Likes to think that she is in
charge of her younger
- "...
- Stacey Logan
- Responsible for his
siblings. They look up
to him.
- "Come on, man and next time
do like I tell ya.
- Christopher-John
- Little-Man
- Wants to make a
good first impression
- Likes to stay clean
- "...Go ahead and get dirty...
Me, I'm gonna stay clean"
- Mary Logan / Mama
- Teacher, strict, but nice.
Secretly does not like her
job. Understands her
- "...There was no
rush now. She
- David Logan / Papa
- Big-Ma
- Like the children's
second mother
- The Avery Family
- T. J. Avery
- Mama
- Papa