Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Roll of Thunder hear my egor
- Setting
- White vs Black school
- White student bus incident
- Disbelief,anger, frustration
- 1993
- Mississipi
- Spokane Country
- First day of school
- October
- Characters
- Avery Family
- TJ
- Thin and weak
- Trouble maker
- Friend with Stacey
- Jeremy
- Logan Family
- Stacey
- Friend with TJ
- Oldest Child
- entering moms class
- sad
- Little man
- "i betcha mama is going to clean you" p10
- Dosent want to get dirty
- Principled
- Independent
- Big Ma
- Papas mother
- 60 years old
- Runs Logan Family
- Christopher John
- Mama
- Father (Papa)
- Values independence
- Works at railstation
- Cassie/narator