Zusammenfassung der Ressource
How to Win Friends & Influence People
- Beehive
- don't kick
- 0,1% better then before
- 300 spartans
- payed to solved difficulty
- get rid of flatery p.
- avoid acute
- Secret
- feeling of importance
- honest appreciation
- Dog
- fishworms
- Eager want
- Own Desire
- rent negotiaiton
- other p.
+ my own
- customer
buys not
being sold
- customer
greatfull from
your product
- don't criticize
- P. to Like U
- Dog no effort
- Genuine interest
in other P.
- cabeça
- Love my
- Be greatful
- do to others
- have fun
doing it
- regulate action
indirectly regulates
- Listener
- P. names
- think terms of other
- change subject & give honest appreciation
- Hatred is ended ONLY BY LOVE
- other to talk
- best of an argument is to avoid it
- precise understanding not judge
- welcome disagreement / conflicts
- distrust 1st impression
- temper
- bridges
- common areas
- honest
- I know nothing
- b right only 55% of time
- Men must be taught as U taugh them not
- help find
his way
- friendly way
- cooperative
- eye opener
- words/phases: appears to me @ present; I apprehend; I imagine; I appreciate; you improved immeasurably; do your best; proud of you
- fact i trust you will not lose sight of; You with your knowledge/talent/quality/eager; your suggestion; your guidance; your consultive word; learn new steps; faith in your ability to do it
- oppinion of him not of me
- wrong: admit it quickly
- socrates: enphasis things agreed
- get yes answers
- accepting open attitude
- organisms are forward moving
- contrast bias
- ocean remains below river and mountains
- on the shoulders of giants
- let the others have the idea
- Overyone else's best Interrests
- nobler motives
- dramatize ideas
- man of word honor the contract
- make a tangible challenge
- stimulate desire to excel
- stimulate competition
- Leader
- change but to AND
- 1st compliment / 2nd find fault indirectly
- 1st own mistakes / 2nd avoid criticizm
- No one likes to take orders
- what you think of this?
- involve the other as part of the decision making / clause built together in the contract
- do you think this could work?
- feeling of importance
- let him save his reputation
- fine reputation to live up to
- fault is easy to correct
- ask questions instead
- inversion technique
- effctive guideline to be happy about it
- be sincere + praise improvement
- know what you want
- know what other want
- benefits other gets
- match benefits to actions
- make request and convey idea of benefit