Zusammenfassung der Ressource
All you need is Convergence
- What is convergence?
- Probably, it has a different
meaning for you in the same
way it has a different meaning
for me
- Anyway, it must
to be released
- A way to survive in a
information world
- A specific quality
that makes you
stronger in the
market, mixing different kinds of tools
- A new way to present information and make it
more attractive and more interesting to the
- According to Rich Gordon
- Connection between different media
platforms, work in team and
cooperation with other professionals
to develop an excellent product
- Different forms...
- Synergy:
between media
- Multi-skills. Probably you are not
able to do every kind of things,
you need to work in team!
- Storytelling convergence
- We are journalists,
storytelling is our best
- So, make it real and present contents in
different platforms with a particular
- More competitive
- If you manage different platforms and you are
able to create contents in each one,
- Why?
- You know the answer, you are able to
communicate your stories to more people
and also make it for the more
- Create your own brand
- People are going to know about your work.
They are going to know about your skills and
they will prefer your stories against the others
- Why?
- Because you are thinking out of the
cage, you create contents for
- Conclusion
- We use convergence to do a better journalism
- Explore different
platforms and think
out of the cage. Be