Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Internal Factors, Gender
Differences in Achievement
- Equal Oppertunities Policies
- Encouraged girls to pursue non traditional
- National Curriculum made both
sexes study the same things
- Kelly
- Making science compulsory core
education helps equalize opportunities
- Boaler
- Equal opportunities have removed many
barriers for girls so girls who work hard
achieve more
- Positive role models
- Increase in the number of women teachers. These women
in positions of authority can act as role models for girls
- Has been argued that primary schools have become
feminised and this may influence how much girls
see schools as their territory
- GCSE and Coursework
- Goard
- 1988-9 when it increased sharply (gender
achievement gap) as GCSE was introduced
as was coursework
- GCSE's have also introduced oral assessments which
girls are likely to do better in due to their better
developed language skills
- Elwood
- Coursework is not the main influence of
girls doing better as exams influence final
grades more than coursework does
- Teacher Attention
- Swann and Graddol
- Boys tend to get more teacher attention so they speak more
but girls get more positive attention as it is work based
rather than behaviour based
- Swann
- boys dominate whole class
discussion girls prefer pair/group work
and are better at listening and co
- Challenging Stereotypes in the Curriculum
- Removal of stereotypes from textbooks, reading
materials has removed the barrier in girls
- Weiner
- Since the 80's teachers have challenged stereotypes
- Selection and league tables
- Jackson
- High achieving girls are attractive to schools where low
achieving boys are not. Creates SFP.
- Slee
- Boys are unattractive as they are more likely to
suffer from behaviour difficulties and are 4x more
likely to be excluded