Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- “This symbol of what they all stood for, English society”
- “The efficiency; the organisation, the communal spirit of London”
- “It was unsatisfactory , they agreed, how little one knew people”
- “Health is largely a matter in our own control”
- “(But he could not bring himself to say he loved her)”
- “The English are so silent”
- “The English are so serious”
- “People looked different.
Newspapers seemed different”
- “Human cruelty –how they tear each other to pieces”
- “Thrill the nerves in their thighs
at the thought of Royalty looking
at them”
- The Establishment
- Sir William Bradshaw
- “Life is made intolerable; they
make life intolerable, men like
- “There were the bradshaws , whom she disliked”
- “Sir William Bradshaw
was not a nice man”
- “He swooped; he
devoured. he shut
people up”“
- Holmes
- “And why the devil he did it, Holmes could not conceive”
- “The world has raised its whip; where
will it descend?”
- “No country but England could have produced him”