Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Culture and
Identity Mind Map
- Definitions
- Stuart Hall - Identity is a state of being and becoming
- Culture is the exchange of meanings and
practices between people.
- In Chapter 1 Bhabha cautions
the reader concerning the use
of cultural theory
- Theory is a ploy utilized by the
West as discourse to perpetuate
its power
- cultural statements - constructed in
ambivalence - there is no pure culture
(Bhabha, 1994)
- There is no pure culture,
but there is much
- The American Salad Bowl on
Youtube - Amie's Presentation
- love it.
- Who I think I am and who others think I am can be like
liminality -(Beech, 2010)
- The in-between-ness of who I
see my self to be and how
others see me (Beech (2010)
- This is a definition of culture.
- Stuart Hall says culture is difficult to define
- Visual Culture
- Stuart Hall - Race is the
floating signifier.
- Why do we insist on
saying that we don't see
color? We are made to
see difference!
- See YouTube Stuart Hall - Race, the
Floating Signifier (Part 4/7)
- We create discourse associated
with the difference we see and
build culture through this
- Stuart Hall wrote Representation Cultural Representations and Signifying
Practices and illustrates Lewis' point - what we SEE - signifies
- This concept is important for new media culture
- EVERYTHING we see means
something - whether we realize it or
- Mirzoeff says we don't always know what we
are seeing...spooky
- Is seeing believing???
- Mitchell - vision is message without a code -
a universal language
- consider the power we give to
images..or do the images have power?
- read "You need to Go Upstairs" by Rumer
Godden..note the power of visual culture
without sight.
- vision is not necessarily a learned activity..we
assume much
- Wolf says there is a danger is
abandoning theory for the power of
- She also is critical of critical
theory - it blocks emotion
- Performing Identities
- Stuart Hall says that we organize
differences in systems of meaning
such as language
- This in turn regulates
conduct and brings to life
how identifies are
- Foucault would agree that we are
constituted entirely from discourse
- Judith Butler's Performative
Acts challenged my thinking
- I don't agree with her, but recognize that
our environment shapes our performing
identity as men and women.
- Her work is associated with marginalization
AND performing identities - genders perform
based on cultural practices
- hooks - the moving margin - loved this
- we move in and out of marginality
- "One can share two cultures as a part of the
same soul." (Jahanbegloo,2012) - like double
consciousness or doubling
- .E.B. Du Bois wrote about
double consciousness
- Reminds me of Gilroy (Margie) and how black students become angry in school..
- Doubling involves respressing the past - it didn't
happen and it is not important anymore
- This is Jameson's third space - forget the past.
Bhabha blasts him for this in chapter 11.
- Forced Hybridity
- there are similarities between doubling
and hybridity and third space.
- But doubling seems
more painful - see Fanon
pg 72 (Bhabha, 1994)
- Whiteness - mundane acts that continually
make and remake whiteness - people don't
realize they do it
- Garoian - three choices - assimilate, resist
assimilation, or reside on the border between two
- Gomez-Pena performed art without
object, social space or public
- neither high nor low culture
is more or less savvy than
the other.
- "The subaltern subalternizes itself and its other by
gazing through the eye of teh absentee master -
love it
- The subaltern takes over the language of the
master - "not even the master owns the language of
conquest and control.."(Gomez Pena)..love it!
- But this definition of subaltern differs slightly - implying
that the subaltern knows of the subalternity..???
- Warren's Article - "Doing Whiteness"
- Marginalization and Orientalism
- Edward Said - I never realized
how desensitized I have become
to some forms of racism.
- Im many cases I am the "Other",
but I have interacted with others
as "Other".
- I recognize my role in perpetuating
the "Othering" of others.
- The media is notorious
for perpetuating othering
- This link is offensive to some, but it is a
humorous way to illustrate a protest to
Hollywood "Othering"
- It meshes Visual Culture with Marginalization and
Orientalism themes: Go to Youtube Stuart Hall
Representation in the Media part 1/4.
- Marginality is not a schism of the soul...one
can share two cultures as part of the same
soul (jahanbegloo, 2012)
- The quote belongs here as well - signs of hybridity and
third space
- Marginality is powerful enabling the marginalized to
move comfortably between cultures back and forth and
feeling at home in each (Jahanbegloo, 2012)
- Statement belongs here as well this describes what
helped to shape my identity in education.
- bell hooks says that living in the
margins means that you must always
return to the dark side of the margin
- there are two perspectives of marginality
- your experience determines to which
you ascribe.
- Hybridity, Liminality, and Third space
- Article on tech writers - they are not the
"ignorant others" of grammar and punctuation
- Occupy liminal space
between disciplines
- Liminality can be a state of genius
- This Section is hybrid - so
many of the other topics have
concepts that fit here!
- Fanon says "time lag of cultural
difference will always be unresolved - a
separation - social contradiction
- Bhabha pg. 342.
- Western modernity must always be
reconstructed and is dismissive of the
histories of "the other" (Bhabha, 1994)
- Bhabha concludes - do not dismiss the "Other"! -
recognize the history and the presence of the third space
of the other
- What do I belong to in this
present?? With whom do I identify?
- Wang seems to embrace her ability to
move within and without creating third
- She asks if one who is with and in relationships can at the same time be against
social constraints to cultivate themselves.
- This is an example of third space.
- Bhabha says that hybridity is a way of discovering
newness in the world - I like that.
- Bhabha also speaks of the sad state of Africa and its
almost missing identity due to all of the colonization
- Stuart Hall agrees that we move in and our of the
culture of the moment - living in the borderlands.
- Theories of Identity
- Fanon - doubling - the third dimension - being Self and
Other (Bhabha, 1994) - both positions are partial - there is a
denial of self involved. p. 72
- Doubling - "Look, a Negro!"
- Fanon says, "triple person...i was responsible
for my body, for my race, for my ancestors"
(Bhabha, 1994)
- This does not disappear...
- I have felt this. It is so real.
- the duplicity of the mIssing person pencilled in before your
eyes..that watch and haunt...pg 76
- ...although these images emerge with..fixity..in the
present, as if the last word on the subject,,
- ..they cannot identify ...identity as presence." ..painful
- missing person - subaltern
- subjected to hegemony of another
group - unaware of aubalternity
- Disavowal of the Other incites anger and agression....YES
- ""For the strategy of the colonial desire is to stage the
drama of identity...the black slips to reveal white skin"
- Bhabha says in Location of Culture
- "The question of identity is never affirmation of a pre-given identity
- "never a self fulfilling prophecy
- "it is always the product of an image of identity and the transformation of the subject in assuming that image. pg 64
- This concept connects all over the map!!
- It fits with visual culture
- It fits with the definition of culture
- It fits with performing identities
- It fits with liminality, hybridity, double consciousness and
marginality and third space
- pg 72 - a problematic process to access an image of totality....what do you think you see..is that what you want to be?
- This definition fits all over the map as well.
- What do you think you see - is that what you want to be - is that who
are you are? Is that what others see?
- The ever unfinished process of identity - Bhabha
- Performing the process of identity
- The performing process can create for one a third space,
liminality, marginality, etc...
- Critical Race Theory and Black Feminism
- Black Feminist Thought can mean
different things to different people.
Experiences are the key.
- class gender, citizenship, religion are factors in addition to race
that cause inequality and oppression of black women
- relationship between
experiences and
- relationship between
experiences and ideas.
- hooks says that perhaps the
black man's perception of family
is shaped and misunderstood by
white western thought...
- hooks explores the media's impact on
the perception of the black man. Stuart
Hall would applaud and this fits within
the study of visual culture, too.
- hools says black men's lack of power in white America
does not negate their power over black women
- Laden-Billings - critical race theory
spawned from critical legal studies
- both studies the power of white regime
- name your reality
- Black female teachers could benefit by being
aware of their own possible perspectives
- Principals should be aware of these possible perspectives when hiring
teachers and caring for black female students
- Multiculturalism
- James Banks, founder
- Gay - four characteristics of multicultural education
- a common set of assumptions
- evolved out of common concerns
- common guidelines for action
- make cultural pluralism and ethinic
diversity part of education process
- His video links multiculturalism and culturally
responsive teaching very nicely.
- I believe essentialism is a threat to multicultural and culturally responsive teaching
- I do not believe essentialism is good for
culturally responsive teaching
- The "Pluralist Dilemma"
- interests of one group
- Interests of a nation
- Culturally Responsive Teaching
- Culturally responsive teaching is NOT
bringing ethnic food to school! AUGH!!
- Five Elements
- Develop a knowledge based about
cultural diversity
- This is important for the new
media culture.
- Learning Communities
- Communicating with ethnically diverse
- Responding to ethnic diversity with
appropriate classroom instruction
- Including ethnic ad culturally diverse curriculum
- Gay
- Achievement improves when students are taught
through their own cultural filters
- What teachers need to know...
- Which ethnic
groups give priority
to communal living
- Cultural
differences in how
children are
expected to
interact with
- implications of gender
roles socialization in
different ethnic groups
- Gay
- genzuk offers educators assistance with Funds of Knowledge
- get to know students from the perspective of their
- IIrizzary says that though culture may be fluid, groups share
characteristics - discrimination - educators need to know this.
- At the same time to automatically attribute characteristics to a
group! Learn individuals.
- Stay open
- Classroom teacher used "ebonics" to connect, and it worked for him, but I believe that this is not always necessary.
- Afterward text says that arts integration is a powerful means of engaging
students and fits perfectly within culturally rresponsive teaching!
- Arts integration fits here as well.
- Arts integration fits here, too.
- Look up Brian Lozenski - on YouTube - bringing cultural
context and self identity into education - really good clip
- Go to You Tube & look up Learning World Episode 48 Part 3 - Who Am I Identity in Education
- The clip links multicultural ed,
transculturalism/interculturalism and
culturally responsive teaching
- Learning World on You Tube Episode 48 Part 3
- Implications for Black female teachers and students
- New Media culture
- Check out "Did You Know" on
- We need to be preparing students
for jobs that do not currently exist.
- We need to change our teaching to
keep up with media advancements
- We must prepare them to filter what
they see in the media
- A similar concept exists in the study of visual culture
- We will be on the sidelines if
we do not keep up with
- The difference between tech comfy and tech
savvy - we must teach them to be tech savvy
- Jenkins - three tasks to educators
- Eqip students to be productive
members of society
- Ensure student understanding of the
media presented to them
- Ensure students have ethics to participate
in learning communities.
- Posting info online is dangerous without ethics.
- must be digitally literate
- The dominance of the image!!! - visual culture!
- What we see really means something....
- images not centrally located become marginalized
- we look and draw conclusions first - then read....can be dangerous.
Stuart Hall would agree.
- A shift away from writing to the image
- writing redefined - short hand language..with icons and pictures
- important to note in visual culture, too.
- Transculturalism/Interculturalism
- Bouchard speaks of Quebec and the
recognition of various cultures that is built
into the fabric of their society -
- This a a dream to me - not
possible in US
- his assessment of US is correct - on paper we work
well together, but not in reality.
- no cultural minorities
- The Kim article was an illustration of both
transculturalism and visual culture - the public
influenced by what they see
- Visual Culture - a creation with the consumer's
interest in mind
- Stuart Hall has argued that cultural studies has
always had a political agenda at its core
- Lewis says that the study of culture and media must return to
contexts in which media is formed operates and is consumed
- Focuses on the problems of contemporary culture
- Recognizes that power influences meaning making
- Welcomes difference
- All social artifacts have meaning
- Vatanabadi's article proves said's
observations over a decade later.
- Otherness in the translation of Arabic books
- interculturalism of Quebec for example seems to
successfully address the Pluralist Dilemma"