Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Medical Ethics
- Abortion: Removing a foetus from the womb before it is able to survive, ending a pregnancy
- Different churches
- Forbidden as its against natural moral law
- The same as murder- Exodus 20:13- 'thou shall not murder'
- Genesis 1:28 - 'Go forth and multiply'
- Life begins at
rights then too. Sanctity of life- Corinthians 6:19
- Double effect: If the life of the mother is threatened abortion=OK
- Protestant Churches
- Same reasons as the RCC but will allow it if the lesser of two evils
- Matthew 22:39
- Secular
- Pro-choice: the woman can do as she wants
because the foetus isn't independent.
- An embryo has rights and people would argue that abortion is murder
- J. Bentham - Utilitarianism Principle
- If it maximises the couple/ woman's happiness that she has an abortion the
she should be allowed...
- However if the foetus is a baby then it should be included
which will mean it is almost always wrong.
- J.S Mill-Harm Principle
- People can do as they please as long as it doesn't physically harm others, therefore abortion is forbidden as
is physically harming the baby (only relevant if the foetus is considered to be a baby
- Islamic View:
- 'slay not your children, the slaying of them is a great sin' - Surah 17:31