LOLER (98) Regulations


Mindmap am LOLER (98) Regulations, erstellt von am 29/04/2013.
Mindmap von, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

LOLER (98) Regulations
  1. Approved code of practice if you follow the advice in ACOP you will doing enough to with law
    1. REG 1 Citation and Commencement
      1. REG 2 Interpretation
        1. equipment covered include
          1. Forklifts, cranes, hoists and electric pallet trucks
        2. REG 3 Application who does apply to
          1. All employers and self employed persons
            1. Suitabilty of equipment under PUWER 98
              1. every employer shall ensure the work equipment is so constructed or adapted as to be suitable for the purpose it is provided
          2. REG 4 Strength and Suitabilty
            1. REG 5 Lifting equipment used for lifting people
              1. REG 6 Positioning and installation
                1. REG 7 Marking of lifting equipment
                  1. the machinery and equipment must be clearly marked to indicate the safe working load for each configuration
                    1. Also applicable to Reg 7 is REG 23 of PUWER
                  2. REG 8 Organisation of lifting operations
                    1. Every employer shall ensure that every lifting opertion involving lifting equipment
                      1. 1, properly planned by an competent person
                        1. 2, appropriatly supervised and carried out in a safe manner
                          1. A competent person is person has adequate knowledge,eperience and sufficent training
                            1. Pre use checks, purpose of is to identify faulty equipment , these are carried out by the operator who is judged as competent
                    2. REG 9 Thorough examination and inspection
                      1. These are carried out at least every 12 months for static equipment unless lifting persons then it is every 6 months
                        1. All mobile equipment must be inspected every 6 months
                      2. REG 10 reports and defects on defective equipment
                        1. REG 11 Keeping of information
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