Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Daily Hassles and Uplifts (HSUP)
- These are everyday feeling
of being stressed which can
be attributed more to minor,
irritating problems than to the
rarer major life events.
- Examples
- Hassles
- Rising price
of goods
- Too many
things to do
- Misplacing or
losing things
- Uplifts
- Completing
a task
- Feeling
- Getting
- De Longis
et al (1982)
- Procedure
- 100 participants (all
over 45) were asked
to complete four
questionnaires each
- 1. Hassles scale
(117 items) 2. Uplifts
scale (135 items) 3.
Life events
questionnaire 4.
Health questionnaire.
- Findings
- Hassles correlated with
ill- health whereas uplifts
and life events did not.
- Bouteyre et al
- Procedure
- He got first year French
University students to
complete two questionnaires,
one measuring life events, the
other symptoms of depression
(Beck’s Inventory).
- Findings
- It was found that
students showing the
most depressive
symptoms were also
likely to be suffering
from the most hassles.
- Evaluation
- This is a correlational study so cause and
effect cannot be established. Of course it
could be that feeling depressed and
having negative thoughts makes us focus
more on negative events such as hassles.
- Method
- Investigated the
relationship between
hassles and metal health
of students through the
initial transition from
school to uni
- Most studies do seem
to agree that hassles
are a bigger threat to
our health than the
much bigger life events.
- Possible reasons for
hassles being a bigger
issue than life events:
- Social and
- It seems likely that people going
through major life events will be more
likely to seek help and support than
people merely suffering from hassles.
It could therefore be that hassles are
a greater issue because we try and
work through them on our own.
- Accumulation
- Lazarus (1999)
- Suggests that hassles
tend to build up and act as
a source of persistent
irritation which can then
lead to anxiety and even
- Amplification effect
- It could be that big events make us more susceptible to the
effects of trivial hassles so the two work hand in hand to
create stress. Having suffered a major event we are left
feeling more vulnerable to hassles and problems multiply.
Perhaps life events alter our perception of our ability to cope.
- Evaluation
Of Daily
- As with life events, individual
differences are not considered.
We all perceive and react to
stress differently, some people
seemingly being able to cope
better than others, and again
these are not considered.
- Cause and effect. Yet again
the studies are correlational so
do not prove that the stress is
causing the illnesses.
- Retrospective: much
of the research ask
participants to think
back over the hassles
that they’ve faced in
the past month.