Zusammenfassung der Ressource
old testament
- 1. creation
- it took 7
days for
God to
create the
- God created the
Heavens and the
Earth from
- Adam and
Eve were
- Adam and Eve
ruled over the
- Adam was
from dust
- God saw
Adam was
lonely, so
he made a
from one
of his ribs
named her
- 2. the Fall
- God said Adam and
Eve could eat from
any tree except the
Tree of Knowledge
of Good and Evil
- Satan came as a
serpent and
tempted Eve
from eating from
the tree, and she
- she then told
adam to eat
from the tree
and he did
- they realized
they were
naked and
- God looked for
Adam and Eve, and
they blamed each
other about eating
from the tree and
God got angry
- God kicked them
out of the
Garden of Eden,
and sent an
angel to protect
the entrance
with a fiery
- 3. Noah and the Flood
- Everyone was
sinning and God
was upset, but he
saw that Noah
was faithful to the
- God told Noah to
build an ark so
protect and save
his family from a
- noah made
the ark out of
gopher wood
- God told Noah
to have a male
and a female
for every type
of animal
- Noah brought
on the ark his
wife, 3 sons,
and their wives
- everyone thought
Noah was weird for
making the ark and
didn't believe about
the flood when he
told the people
- 4. Abraham
- his name
was originally
- he had a wife and
her name is Sarah, it
used to be Sarai
- Sarah couldn't
bare children,
so she had
Haggar, a
servant, sleep
with Abraham
so she could
get a child.
- Hagar had a
child and
named him
- 3 angels visited Abraham
and told him he would have
a son, both him and his
wife laughed because they
were old
- Abraham did have a
son and named him
Isaac, God one day told
Abraham to sacrifice
his son Isaac as a
test, Abraham obeyed,
but God stopped him
before he could kill
- 5. Joseph
- son of Jacob
- he was Jacobs
favorite son and made
him a coat of many
- Joseph dreamt
dreams and his
brothers were
jealous, and sold
him into slavery
to the Egyptians.
- Joseph worked for
Potiphar and Potiphar
really liked him, until his
wife accused Joseph of
trying to sleep with her,
so he was thrown into
- while in prison, he met a baker and a cup bearer and they both had dreams
in which Joseph interpreted, he said the baker would get killed but the cup
bearer would be set free. Joseph asks the cup bearer to remember
Joseph once he was set free
- Pharaoh has a dream, and the cup bearer
remembers Joseph and so the Pharaoh
brings him in and Joseph interprets that
there will be 7 years of plenty in Egypt and
7 years of famine
- Pharaoh puts Joseph in second
in command so he could prepare
of the famine, and later one
Joseph reunites with his family
and their family continued to grow
in Egypt for many generations
- 6. Moses and the Exodus
- He was born as
a hebrew baby,
and his mother
in order to
protect him, put
him in a basket
and set the
basket off in
the Nile River
- Pharaohs daughter
found moses and
decided to keep him as
her own son
- When moses
was 40, he killed
an Egyptian man
and fled Egypt
- moses marries zapporah
- one day God
spoke to
moses through
a burning bush
and told him to
set the
isrealites free
in Egypt
- 7. Mount Sanai and the Giving of the Law
- the israelites were
traveling for 3 months
after being free from
- he walked up to mount sinai
- moses came down from the
mountain and told the people
to clean up and look nice
- when he came
down from the
mountain, he was
gone for 40 days,
the people became
impatient and
made a golden
calf to worship
- he got mad and
threw the 10
on the ground
and they
- he went back up
to the mountain
to remake the 10
- 8. King David
- king david is
famous for
killing the giant
- he used to be a
- he was
with king
- king saul tried
to kill david
- he married
bathsheba , and
killed her husband
- he had a son
named solomon.
he also
becomes a
famous king
- he was a man after Gods
own heart