Zusammenfassung der Ressource
OT Mind Map By: Erich Bauer
- 4. Abraham
- Abram was name changed to Abraham
- Abraham was promised
many things by God
- Abraham was promised a
whole nation and land of
many descendants
- Abraham had a wife named
Sarah, and they lived in Ur
- They were blessed
with a son named
- God told Abraham to kill his
son as a test and stopped him
right before Abraham did it
- 1. Creation (Gen 1-2)
- God created world in 7 days and
then rested.
- Everything was good that
was created
- He made man in his own
- He made a woman to be with
the man
- Everything we know today was
created God
- Made our waters and land
- 2. The Fall (Gen 3-4)
- There was one tree Adam and Eve
were not to eat from
- There was serpent that started talking to
Eve about the trees she could eat from
- When they eat from the tree,
their eyes will be opened
- Once they ate, they realized
they were naked
- There were many punishments for
eating the forbidden fruit
- God was very displeased
- 7.. Joshua and the
- Joshua was chosen to be the prophet after Moses
- There wasn't one big ruler
so there were judges
- Judges worked together to solve cases
- All the big problems were brought to
- Joshua also sent spies to scout
out the promised land
- Joshua and judges led the
Israelites to many victories
- 6. Mt. Sinai and giving of the law
- The Hebrews had been traveling
for 2 months
- They cam to Mt. Sinai where
Moses went up the
- God talked to him telling him how
they were lucky to be led out of
- God said that if they obey
his commandments then he
would bless them
- God wrote the ten commandments
they had with his finger on stone
- Moses was up there for 40 days and 40 nights
- 5. Joseph
- Joseph was the 2nd youngest of his
many brothers
- Joseph was Jacob's favorite
- All the other sons
were jealous because
Joseph was given a
colored coat
- The brothers sold
Joseph into slavery
- They told their father
that Joseph was dead
- Joseph became a great
leader of Egypt
- 8. King David
- David killed Goliath as a young
boy and later became a powerful
- Everyone loved David
and he won many battles
with his great army
- David saw a woman named
Bathsheba and loved her
- He did the deed with her and
found out she was pregnant
- He killed her
husband and
married her
- David and Bathsheba had a son
named Solomon who later
become a king like David
- 3. Noah and the flood
- God punished the world
because everyone was
- God would flood the earth
killing everyone
- Noah was Told to built an arch
because he was righteous
- He would bring two of every
- Only Noah and his family
would survive
- Lasted for 40 days
and 40 nights