Zusammenfassung der Ressource
The Old Testament
- Abraham
- At the age of 90, Sara
gave birth to Abrahams
son, Isaac.
- Abraham was visited
by angels who told
him that his wife,
Sarah was to give
birth to a boy.
- While Abraham
lived in Ur, he
was visited by
God and was
nation, land,
and seed.
- Abrahams faith in God was
so strong, that Abraham
was ready to sacrifice his
only son because God
asked him to.
- Abraham Conducts a
ritual to seal a covenant
with God.
- Abraham dies at the
age of 175, and is
buried in the cave of
- Noah and the Flood
- Noah and his family
were the only people in
Gods land that had a
kind heart.
- God instructed Noah
to build and Ark out
of gopher wood to
save his family.
- Noah took with him a
male and female of
each animal to save.
- After the flood, God
sent a rainbow to
represent his
promise to never
send a flood again.
- Seven days after Noah was
done building the ark, it
began to rain. The rain
lasted for 40 days, and 40
- After the rain stopped, it
remained on earth for
150 days.
- Creation
- The Story of Creation
is broken up into
seven days.
- Days 1&3: Light, Heavens
and Earth, Stars, moon,
and sun.
- Days 2&5: Sky, Sea,
fish, land animals
- Days 3&6: Land, Land
animals and humans
- On the seventh
day, God rested.