Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Old Testament
- 6. Moses
- Moses and the Israelites spent 40 years in the wilderness during which time he received
the Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai.
- He was raised in the court of the Pharaoh in Egypt, but then led the Hebrew people out of Egypt
- Moses’ story is told in the Book of Exodus
- Moses led the Exodus of the Israelites out of Egypt and across the Red Sea
- Moses received the Ten Commandments.
- 7. The exile
- udeans were permitted to return to Judah.
- second temple in Jerusalem
- ended when King Cyrus of Persia issued an edict
- lasted 70 years,
- god told Abram that his descendants would be slaves in a foreign land for 400 years
- Jewish history between the end of the exile in Babylon in 538 b.c. and a.d. 1
- 1. Creation
- Took God 7 days.
- Genesis 1
- God made man before woman.
- They were forbidden from eating from a certain tree.
- They were naked.
- 2. The fall
- The snake tempted them.
- They ate from the tree.
- First sin of mankind.
- Adam and Eve disobeyed God.
- God said women would pay for this during birth and with snakes.
- 5. Jacob/Israel
- HIs father was isaac
- was the third Hebrew progenitor with whom God made a covenant.
- had twelve sons and at least one daughter, by his two
- grandson of
- important torch-passing role
- 3.Noah and The flood
- God ordered Noah to build an arc.
- During this time, people were sinning crazily.
- God ordered Noah to save one of each animals.
- Noah was a faithful man.
- Noah's family was saved during the flood.
- 4. Abraham
- got tested his faith by telling him to sacrifice his son
- was 75 when go called him
- isaac was one of his sons.
- God ordered him to move to another land
- had eight sons
- 8. Post-Exile
- after the Babylonian captivity
- not later than the 5th cent. B.C.
- Five Books of Moses
- Old Testament reached its greatest heights preceding and during the exile.
- When the exiles returned from Babylon, they experienced many disappointments