Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Old Testament
- 5. The Exile
- The Israelites were enslaved
to Egypt for 400 years.
- God asked Moses to convince pharoah to
free the Israelites from captivity. When the
pharoah said no to Moses, God gave him
powers to change pharoah's mind
- There were ten plagues. After each plague pharoah
would say that he would let the Israelites go but
everytime he changed his mind.
- Pharoah finally freed the Israelites after the
death of the firstborn which killed pharoah's son
- After the Israelites left Egypt the wondered in
the wilderness for 4o years
- God led the Israelites to the promise land by a
cloud in the day and a pillar of fire in the
- 6. Mt Siniai And The Giving Of The Law
- Mt. Sinai is where God gave
Moses the Ten
- Moses stayed on Mt. Sinai for forty days
and forty nights.
- The lord came down in a thick cloud
after thunder and lightning and a
very loud horn
- Moses broke the tablets that the ten
commandments were written on when he was
angered by children of Israel worshipping a
Godlen calf
- Moses' brother, Aaron, made the Israelites a
golden bull out of gold earings. This angered
God and almost made him to destroy all of
the Israelites
- The ten commandments were also a written
version of the covenant that God made with
Abraham may years before.
- 4. Jacob/Israel
- Jacob is the grandson of Abraham and the
son of ISaac. He stole his brother's, Esau,,
- Jacob's 12 sons formed the tribes of Israel
- Jacob once wrestled with an angel or God and
thats how he got the name israel which means
"struggles with God
- Jacob had 12 sons with four women, but he only
loved Rachel which is one the reasons that he
loved Joseph the most
- Jacob fled after he took Esau's birthright
because he thought that he was going to
kill him. When Jacob and Esau meet up
again Esau kisses him and weeps.
- Jacob came out of his mothers womb
grasping Esau's heel
- 1. Creation
- God Created the world and everything in it and the
whole universe with the power of his words in seven
- On the first day he created light, on the second
day he created heaven, on the third day he
created land and plants, on the fourth day he
created the sun, moon and stars, on the fifth day
he created the sea, animals ,and birds, on the
sixth day he created land animals and man, and
on the last day he rested and created the
- When God created the universe and the world he was
pleased with what he had created, six times he said that it
was good and the final time he said that it was very good
- God created us in his image and in his likeness
- God created man and made Adam, and then
said that loneliness was the first bad thing ti
enter into the world so then he created Eve
from Adam's rib
- God created humans to live forever but when sin entered
the world it caused seperation from God and death
- 2. The Fall
- When God created Adam and
Eve he placed them in the
Garden of Eden and told Adam
not to eat fruit from the Tree of
the knowledge of good and evil
or he would surely die
- The deviil/satan took the body of a
serpant or snake and convinced
Eve to doubt God's word
- Satan Told Eve that if she ate the fruit from
the tree that she would become as powerful
as God and once she ate the fruit she took it
to Adan abd he also ate the fruit.
- Once they ate the fruit they knew that
they did wrong, they noticed that they
were naked and tried to cover
themselves with fig leaves and when
they heard God they hid from him
- God punished Adam with hard work and Eve
with bearing children with great pain. He
punished satan by making him crawl on the
ground. Adam and Eve's other punishment
was death and having to work for food.
- Satan's other punishment was that the
seed of the woman would destroy him.
In the new testament we find out that
this is Jesus Christ
- 7. King David
- King David was born in bethlehem to Jesse
and Nitzevet, he was the youngest of his
brothers and tended to the sheep.
- Out of all of his brothers, David was anointed
by Saul even though he was the smallest and
the youngest.
- David is famous for fighting
volunteering to fight the & foot
5 450 pound Goliath. Because
of his faith in God he kills
Goliath by slinging a rock at his
- Saul tried to kill David even
though David became really
good friends with Saul's son
- David is also known for having a relationship
with Bathsheba and then killing her husband
who was one of his generals
- When Saul dies David takes the throne
and he united the people of Israel
- 3. Noah and the Flood
- God saw that his creation had become wicked and
he decided to wipeout humanity. However, there
was one righteous man left, Noah
- God told him to build an ark for him and his
family because a flood would come that would
kill every living thing on the earth
- He was also instructed to bring two of each
animal and food for the animals.
- It rained for forty days and forty nights and the
waters flooded the earth for 150 days and
everything on the earth was killed
- After a year God invited Noah to come out and he built and
altar and worshipped God,
- God Promised to never destroy all
the living things on the earth and
he marked this covenant with a
- 8. King Solomon
- King Solomon was the child of David aand Bethseba
- Solomon is known as the wisest
man to ever live but also as one of
the most foolish. God gave
Solomon wisdom but this made
him to wander from God
- Solomon built the first temple in
Jerusalem on Mount Moriah
- In a dream that Solomon had, God said that he would Grant
Solomon anything that he wished. He wished for understanding
and discernment. God was happy with his answer and gave him
wealth and power
- Solomon married the daughter of
Pharoah for political reasons and this
angered God.
- Solomons 700 wives caused him to
stray from the path of pursuing
God and led him to worship idols.