Zusammenfassung der Ressource
The Old
- Creation- 1
- God created light and dark
- God created the waters and land
- God created man
- God created land animals
- God created the stars, sun, and moon
- God created marine life
- Creation to
2000 BC
- The Fall of Man- 2
- Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil
- Eve was Tempted by the serpent (devil) to eat the forbidden fruit
- God kicked Adam and Even out of the Garden
- Adam and Eve tried to hide from God
- When Adam ad Eve sinned death was brought into the world
- God gave Adam and Even clothing to wear
- Adam and Eve relaized they were naked
- Creation to 2000 BC
- Moses- 6
- Led the Israelites out of Egypt
- The Israelites were slaves for the Egyptians
- Moses through God parted the Red Sea and the Israelites passed
- Moses flees from Egpyt to Midian
- Baby Moses is found by Pharoah Daughter
- The 10 Plagues occur
- 1500-1460 BC
- King David- 8
- David was a great warrios
- David was blessed by God
- @nd King of Israel after Saul
- Many times Saul tried to kill David
- Jonathon was David's best friend
- David was the father of King Solomon the wisest man ever
- 1102-982 BC
- Joseph- 5
- Was sold into slavery by his brothers
- recieved a coat of many colors form his father Jesse
- Became second in command to Pharoah
- Put in prison after being falsely accused of raping Potiphar's wife
- helped move the Israelites to Egpyt
- Had 12 brothers (the tribes or Israel)
- 2000-1500 BC
- Samuel/ King Saul- 7
- is a miracle child
- Samuel is a preist
- Anointed King Saul and King David
- name means "name of God"
- Son of Hannah
- Rasied by Eli the Priest
- Was a Prophet and the last judge
- he is the only ghost in the Bible
- 1102-982 BC
- started off as a good king but turned crazy after a while
- was very Jealous of David
- Comes from the tribe of Benjamin
- King Saul was the first King of Israel
- Was a tall and handsome man and was picked by
- The Flood- 3
- Noah built an ark according to God's instructions
- It rained for 40 days and 40 nights
- God saved 8 people from the flood
- Noah took two of each kind of animal on the ark
- God promised to never flood the earth again through the rainbow
- A dove came back with an olive branch
- the ark landed on a mountain
- Creation to
2000 BC
- Abraham- 4
- His wife's name is Sarah originally Sari
- He is the father of many nations
- Had a son named Issac when he was 100
- He almost had to sacrifice his son
- He slept with Hagar to have a son (ishmael) but he wasn't supposed to
- His name was origanlly Abram
- 2000- 1500 BC