Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Old Testament
- 1. Creation
- Days of creation
- 1 - Light
- 2 - Sky/Water
- 3 - Land/Vegetation
- 5 - Birds/Marine Life
- 4 - Sun/Moon/Stars
- 6 - Animals/Man
- 7 - Rest
- God spoke and it was
- Adam and Eve
- God creates man
- In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth
- Genesis 1
- 2. The Fall
- Tree of Life
- Tree of Knowledge of good and evil
- Adam and Eve eat the fruit of the tree
- Temptation
- Desires of flesh and eyes
- Pride of life
- You will not surely die
- 3. Noah & The Flood
- Sign of the covenant is the rainbow
- Flood represents baptism
- Water stayed on the earth for 150 days
- God made first covenant
- All living things on earth
died except noah, his
wife, their 3 sons and
their wives, and 2 of
every animals
- 4. Abraham
- Father of many nations
- Sarai/Sarah
- Abraham has a son named Isaac
- God tells Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac
- He almost kills Isaac until a ram is spotted
- Isaac means "Laughter"
- 5. Jacob/Israel
- Rebekah's Favorite
- Younger brother of Esau
- Stew for birthright
- Cook/Cleaner
- Esau was red and hairy
- Esau was Isaac's favorite son
- Wrestled with God
- Leah and Rachel
- 6. Joseph
- Coat of many colors
- 11 other brothers
- Least favorite brother
- Favorite son
- Dreams of the famine
- High power in Egypt
- Dreams of the sheaves and stars
- Framed for rape
- 7. Moses
- Raised in Pharoahs
- Killed an Egyptian man
- Fled from Egypt
- Burning Bush
- Plagues
- Promised land
- 8. King Saul
- Jonathan
- David
- Overcome by jealousy
- Tries to kill David
- Is killed by a soldier
- Anointed by God
- Head taller than everyone else