Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Physics P2
- Motion
- acceleration=V-U/T
- F=Mxa
- Speed=distance
travelled in
metres/time taken in
- Stopping distance-driver
- Braking distance-road,weather conditions
- Work is done on an
object when a force
makes the object move
- Electrons have a
negative charge,
when taken off the
material it is left
positive, but the
resisting material
is negative
- Ohm's law states that the
current through a resistor at
constant tempreture is
directly proportional to the
potenial dfference across the
- Potential difference-a
measure of the work done
or energy transferred to
the lamp by each
coulomb of chrge that
passes through it.
- Unit of potential difference is volt (V)
- Filament bulb: resistance increases with increase of the filament tempreture
- Diode: 'forward' resistance low; 'reverse' resitance high
- Thermistor: resistance decreases if its temptreture increases
- LDR: resistance decreases if the light intensity on it increases
- Mains electricty
- Alternating currents repeatedly reverse their direction
- A fuse contains a
thin wire that heats
up and lets if too
much current passes
through it.
- A circuit breaker is an
electromagnetic switch
that opens (i.e 'trips')
and cuts the current off
if too much current
passes through it
- Radioactivity
- Gamma
- Stopped by thick lead and has an unlimited range in air
- Electromagnetic
- Weak ionising
- Not deflected by
electromagnetic and
magnetic fields
- Tracers in
medicine- injected,
the source needs a
half life of a few
hours, so the patient
isn't exposed
- Beta
- A neutron in the
nucleus changes
into a proton and an
- The electron
created in the
nucleus is instantly
- The proton stays in
the nucleus so the
atomic number
goes up by one and
the mass number is
unchanged. The
electron is instantly
- Stopped by thin metal, a metre of air
- Thickness
monitoring-in the
manufacture of
things, the source
needs a half life
of many years
- Alpha
- Positive charge,
because some of the
alpha particles rebound,
they must be repelled by
another positive charge
- The nucleus loses 2 protons and 2 neutrons
- 2 protons and 2
neutrons are emitted
as alpha particle
- The atomic number then goes down by 2
- Stopped by a few centimetres of air
- Smoke alarms-half life of several years
- Radioactive decay is
a random event-we
cannot predict or
influence when it
- Isotopes-atoms with the same
number of protons but different
numbers of neutrons.
Therefore they have the same
atomic numbers.
- Half life
- The average time it
takes for the number
of nuclei of the
isoptopes in a sample
to halve
- The activity of a
radioactive source is
number of nuclei that
decay per second
- The number of atoms of
a radioactive isotope and
the activity both dercease
by half every half-life
- Radioactive dating-we
need a radioactive
isotope that is present
in the sample which
has a half-life about
the same as the age of
the sample
- Energy from the nucleus
- Nuclear fission is the splitting of an atomic nucleus
- Release of 2-3 neutrons
- Happens when a
neutron hits a
uranium-235 nucleus
or a plutonium-239
nucleus and the
nucleus splits
- A chain reaction occurs
- Nuclear reactors: control rods absorb
fission neutrons to ensure that, on
average, only one neutron per fission goes
on to produce further fission
- Nuclear fusion is the process of forcing
two nuclei close enough together so they
form a single larger nucleus
- Energy is released when two light nuclei are used together
- Nuclear issues
- Radon gas is
an alpha
emitting isotope
that seeps into
- The universe was formed by hydrogen and helium
- Distance between stars is millions times greater
than between planets
- The distance between galaxies is millions times
greater than between stars within galaxies.
- A protostar is a gas and dust cloud in space that can go on to form a star
- Low mass star:Protostar,
mainsequence star, red giant, white
dwarf, black dwarf
- High mass star:
protostar, main
sequence star, red super
giant, supernova, black
hole if sufficient mass
- The sun will become a black dwarf
- A supernova is the explosion of a supergiant after it collapses
- Elements as heavy as iron are formed inside stars as a result of nuclear fusion
- Elements heavier than iron are formed in supernovas, along with lighter elements
- The sun and rest of the solar system were formed from the debris of a supernova