Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Annie Besant
- "Freedom without separation"
- What home rule meant.
- All-India Home rule league
was smaller than Tilak's
and grew more slowly
- But network of committees
covered most of the rest of India
- Tried to work with Congress and revive it's fortune
- But she soon realised that congress was only
interested in controlling and suppressing the
home rule movement
- Joined Tilak's organisation.
- Gave public lectures and published
pamphlets all around the country
- successfully generated agitation
amongst the public in a way that
Congress had never really tried
- Interned
without trial)
- When freed, she
became President of
Congress in Dec 1917
- Proved inconsistent +
ineffective as leader of
- Was crucially reluctant to support any
kind of boycott or resistance campaigns.
- Resulted in loss of
momentum and
ultimately failure.