Zusammenfassung der Ressource
General Systems Theory
- is a model of set of
interrelated principle4s and
concepts that explains an
organizations complex
- Relevant to us
- simbolic systems: people
invent Systems,
language an
- Sociocultural Systems: people operate in groups
- Information System: It is a set of elements orientated to the treatment
and administration of information and information, organized and
ready for his later use, generated to cover a need or an aim. The above
mentioned elements will form a part of someone of the following
categories: You present; Activities or technologies of work;
Information; material Resources in general (IT resources and of
communication, generally, though not necessarily).
- Static Structures: Resources, Desks, Paper, goals People
- Animals: Subgroups of organization can scan and learn
- History of General Systems Theory
- In 1993, Ludwing von Bertanlanffy devolped The General
Systems Theory to solve this problem the Theory was
further developed by Ross Asby in 1955.
- Biography od Ashby : he was
president for the society of
General Systems research
from 1962-1964
- Biography of Bertalanffy: Bonr
septmber 19, 1901 Austria, He
Studied philosophy of science
and biology and eventually to
study biology at the University
of Vienna He Wrote the most
famous book on the General
Systems Theory,
- Bertalanffy expressed that real systems are exposed to,
and work together with, their environments and can
obtain quialitatively new properties through development
resulting in constant development.