Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Systems Theory
- What is general systems
- A model of set of interrelated
principles and conceps that
explaisn an organization complex
- And
- As time and technology has
evolved, there has been great
emphasis on Information Systems.
- AS
- Information
- They are
- Systems consisting of
the network of all
channels used within
an organization.
- Network Security Systems
- It serves to
- The protection of information and
property from theft, corruption, or
natural disaster, while allowing the
information and property to remain
accessible and productive to its
intended users.
- What is general systems theory
- General systems theory is
extremely generic and can
applicable to many different
- It encompasses all disciplines
that use systems
- As
- Sociology, biology, business, technology, etc
- His story
- Over time, systems theorists were
trying to develop a theory that
explained all system across all fields.
- Developed by
- Ludwig von Bertalanffy In 1936,
and it was further developed by
Ross Ashby in 1955.
- Hierarchy
- Symbolic Systems,
Sociocultural Systems,
Humans, Animals, Lower
Organisms, Open Systems,
Control Mechanisms,
Clockworks, Static Structures