Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Light and Sound
- Sound
- Light
- Characteristics of the light
- Light can have an
specific colour or white
- The light of white colour is
done by the mixture of primary
- Blue
- Green
- Red
- How does the light travel?
- Light travels in all
- Light travels in straight
- What is the light?
- The light is a form of energy
- Where is the light produced?
- The light is produced by luminous objects.
- There are two kind of light sources
- Natural light source
- For example
- Sun
- Stars
- Glow Worm
- Artificial light source
- For example
- Flashlights
- Bulbs
- The materials and
the light
- Opaque materials
- Don't allow
- The light
- To pass through them
- We cannot see
- Objects
- Through them
- Translucent materials
- Allow
- Some light
- To pass through them
- We can see
- Objects
- Through them
- But not clearly
- Transparent materials
- Allow
- The light
- To pass through them
- We can see CLEARLY
- The objects
- Through them
- Light's properties
- Refraction
- The light's
direction change
- When the light passes
from one material to
- Reflection
- When the light
shines on
- An opaque object
- It reflects
- So we can see the object
- A mirror
- It reflects
- In the same direction