Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Marketing Aims
& Objectives
- Aims
- What a business
wants to achieve.
- Regular business aims
include: Survival; make a
profit; ethicalities etc.
- In a niche market, aims may
include: providing an individual
service; survive etc.
- In a mass market, aims may
include: Maximize profits;
take out a competitor;
improve ethicalities etc.
- Objectives
- How a business
achieves its aims.
- Regular business objectives include:
Adding solar panels; lowering
overheads; advertise on TV etc.
- In a niche market, objectives may
include: selling a certain brand of
clothing; selling to the youth market.
- In a mass market,
objectives may include:
keeping a distnictive logo,
lowering overheads, etc.
- External Factors
- Customer Behaviour
- Competitor Behaviour
- The Economy
- Technology
- Government
- Changes in the Law
- Suppliers
- Internal Factors
- Market Research Findings
- Forecasted Sales
- Forecasted Profits
- Availability of Finance
- Advantages of a Mass Market
- Able to benefit from
economies of scale.
- Less risky, since busines is
not dependent upon one
small segment of the market.
- Sales revenues
are usually higher.
- Disadvantages of a Mass Market
- Increased competition.
- Difficult to appeal to
individual consumers.
- Fixed capital costs are
usually high - due to the
need for large factories
and expensive machinery.
- Advantages of a Mass Market