General Systems Theory-1


General Systems Theory-1
Andrea Farfan
Mindmap von Andrea Farfan, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Andrea Farfan
Erstellt von Andrea Farfan vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

General Systems Theory-1
  1. Objetives
    1. Promote and disseminate
      1. development of standards
        1. enact laws
        2. Schoderbek's theory
          1. Holones
            1. Entity
              1. Attributes
                1. Relations
                2. System Types
                  1. Open System
                    1. Close System
                    2. Models
                      1. Physical models
                        1. Modelos Abstractos:
                        2. Concepts
                          1. Environment
                            1. Attributes
                              1. Cybernetics
                                1. Balance
                                  1. Entropy
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