Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Definition
- Activity whose main
purpose is to convey
how well the testee
knows or can do
- Reasons for
- Get information
- Give information
- Provide review or practice
- Achievement and knowledge
- Types of test
- Formal
- Testees knows in
advance what they
need to know and
the criteria
- Informal
- Routine,
interactions and
- Elicitation techniques
- True/False
- Vocabulary-grammar
- Multiple choice
- Writing
- Gap filling
- Grammar-Vocabulary
- Matching
- Vocabulary
- Dictation
- Spelling, punctuation and listening
- Cloze
- Reading, spelling, vocabulary and grammar
- Transformation
- Grammatical structures
- Translation
- Meaning
- Questions and answers
- Almost everything
- Rewriting
- Paraphraising
- Monologue
- Fluency
- essay
- Writing abilities
- Test preparation
- Validity
- It measures what it is purported to Measure
- Clarity
- Instructions are clear and they include a sample
- Do- ability
- Quite do-able, not too difficult and no trick questions
- Marking
- sections and percentage of the total grade
- Interest
- Interesting content
- Heterogenity
- Easy and difficult items
- Test administration
- Before the test
- Give all the information about the test
- Giving the test
- Add information about the test. Interaction /passivity
- After the test
- Grading and disscussion about the test
- Designing a test
- Preparation
- List the material (topics) that will be tested
- Performance
- Admistrate the test to a class or group of learners
- Feedback
- Ask the testees how they felt about it