

Testing and assessment
angela garcia
Mindmap von angela garcia, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
angela garcia
Erstellt von angela garcia vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. Definition
    1. Activity whose main purpose is to convey how well the testee knows or can do something
    2. Reasons for testing
      1. Get information
        1. Give information
          1. Provide review or practice
            1. Achievement and knowledge
            2. Types of test
              1. Formal
                1. Testees knows in advance what they need to know and the criteria
                2. Informal
                  1. Routine, classrooms interactions and homeworks
                3. Elicitation techniques
                  1. True/False
                    1. Vocabulary-grammar
                    2. Multiple choice
                      1. Writing
                      2. Gap filling
                        1. Grammar-Vocabulary
                        2. Matching
                          1. Vocabulary
                          2. Dictation
                            1. Spelling, punctuation and listening
                            2. Cloze
                              1. Reading, spelling, vocabulary and grammar
                              2. Transformation
                                1. Grammatical structures
                                2. Translation
                                  1. Meaning
                                  2. Questions and answers
                                    1. Almost everything
                                    2. Rewriting
                                      1. Paraphraising
                                      2. Monologue
                                        1. Fluency
                                        2. essay
                                          1. Writing abilities
                                        3. Test preparation
                                          1. Validity
                                            1. It measures what it is purported to Measure
                                            2. Clarity
                                              1. Instructions are clear and they include a sample
                                              2. Do- ability
                                                1. Quite do-able, not too difficult and no trick questions
                                                2. Marking
                                                  1. sections and percentage of the total grade
                                                  2. Interest
                                                    1. Interesting content
                                                    2. Heterogenity
                                                      1. Easy and difficult items
                                                    3. Test administration
                                                      1. Before the test
                                                        1. Give all the information about the test
                                                        2. Giving the test
                                                          1. Add information about the test. Interaction /passivity
                                                          2. After the test
                                                            1. Grading and disscussion about the test
                                                          3. Designing a test
                                                            1. Preparation
                                                              1. List the material (topics) that will be tested
                                                              2. Performance
                                                                1. Admistrate the test to a class or group of learners
                                                                2. Feedback
                                                                  1. Ask the testees how they felt about it
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                                                                ähnlicher Inhalt

                                                                Test para Practicar para el TOEFL
                                                                Lolo Reyes
                                                                Readings para Preparar el First Certificate (I)
                                                                maya velasquez
                                                                Fichas de Inglés - Vocabulario Intermedio 2
                                                                maya velasquez
                                                                Vocabulario Inglés - Tema 2
                                                                Inglés - Verbos Compuestos II (Phrasal Verbs)
                                                                maya velasquez
                                                                Fichas de Inglés - Vocabulario Intermedio
                                                                maya velasquez
                                                                Inglés - Conjugación Verbos Irregulares
                                                                maya velasquez
                                                                Verbos Culinarios Inglés-Español
                                                                Diego Santos
                                                                Gramática para Practicar el First Certificate II
                                                                Diego Santos
                                                                Ejemplo Prueba de Inglés para el Saber Pro
                                                                D. Valenzuela
                                                                Verbos irregulares