Qualities of sound


MUSIC Mindmap am Qualities of sound, erstellt von Susana Ronco am 13/09/2016.
Susana Ronco
Mindmap von Susana Ronco, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Susana Ronco
Erstellt von Susana Ronco vor fast 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Qualities of sound
  1. Timbre
    1. voice or instruments
      1. waveform
        1. Male and female
          1. String, wind and percussion
          2. Harmonics
          3. Intensity
            1. Loud and soft
              1. Dynamics
                1. Italian words
                  1. pp,p,mp,mf,f,ff
                  2. decibel
                  3. Wave amplitude
                2. Pitch
                  1. High and low
                  2. Duration
                    1. Note Values
                      1. Rests
                        1. Time signature
                          1. long and short
                            1. Seconds
                            2. Persistence
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