Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Human Rights Theory
- Jack Donnelly
- Donnelly explicates and defends the universality of HR. He does NOT argue that
HR are timeless, unchanging, or absolute - rather he argues that the particularity
of HR is compatible with a conception of HR as universal rights.
- HR are equal rights -
either you are or are not
a human being and
therefor has the same
rights as everyone else
(or none)
- HR are inalienable rights - one cannot
stop being human, no matter how they
behave or how they are treated
- HR are universal rights - today we
consider all members of the homo
sapien species human beings,
therefore they all hold rights
- Three major forms of social interaction re: rights can be distinguished:
Assertive exercise - right is exercised (claimed), activating the
obligations of the duty-bearer, who then respects the right or violates it
-- Active respect - duty-bearer takes the right into account in
determining how to behave, without the right-holder ever claiming the
right -- • Objective enjoyment - rights apparently never enter the
equation, neither right-holder or duty-bearer gives them any thought -
the right has been enjoyed
- Mark Gibney
- Where HR has failed is in coming to terms with the fact that HR
violations are perpetrated not only by governments but also
through the actions/inactions of other states, institutions (TNCs),
and even IOs • Due to this, HR addresses the "wrongs" done by a
state to its own population but is incapable of addressing the
"wrongs" committed by a state against a foreign population
- Gibney calls for a
return to core
universal principles -
universality meaning
that states are
responsible for the
HR violations they
carry out within their
own borders AND
they are responsible
for violating HR
outside their own
borders (I.e. USA in
Guantanamo Bay)
- Presents four steps to improve HR protection
around the world: (1) responsibility (western
world doesn't think HR are for them) -- (2)
territory (we see rights as bound by borders)
-- (3) accountability (hold states responsible
esp. to positive rights) -- (4) remedy
(international civil court)
- Tony Evans
- The current HR discourse favours the legal approach over all
others (political, cultural, economic, structural, social).
- Evans "places international HR law within the context of
critique in an effort to explain the hegemony of law
within the HR discourse"
- The legal discourse enjoys the dominant role while the political discourse is
marginalized, and the philosophical discourse has atrophied - this privileges
the legal discourse as the sole source of truth-claims for the global HR regime
- The habit of understand HR as a single discourse
obscures ongoing disagreements and conflicts within HR
- gives the illusion of concord that is at odds with social
movements and social protests
- David Forsythe
- Four themes emerge in the book: (1) •
International concern with HR is not
going anywhere -- (2) • Need to
appreciate HR as important and
pervasive soft law (not just occasional
hard law) -- • Private parties (as well as
states) merit extensive attention -- •
The notion of state sovereignty is
undergoing fundamental changes - with
the "final" form difficult to discern
- proceeds on the central assumption that
making the progress toward human rights
is most viable through non-judicial action.
That is to say, one can make advances on
human rights apart from courts and hard
- Stephen Hopgood
- HR attempt to be a universal global power but it emerged from a particular
historical period, for a particular purpose, and with a particular (western, liberal)
value system that are no longer necessary in a multipolar world. Intl. HR
institutions have become bureaucracies that self-perpetuate themselves in an
attempt to survive irrelevance. They are unsuited to their tasks BUT there is still
hope for people concerned with humanity - look to activists working in their own
locales and communities rather than the western-led HR organisations for hope.
- Universal HR served a specific historical purpose - to inspire a sense of
secular religiosity/sacredness among the emerging middle class in
modernizing Europe (1). It was an antidote to the troubling contradiction
between progress and intensifying violence, social and economic
inequalities, and fears of disenchantment. BUT the purpose has become
defunct and the institutions created to perform it "now serve as
self-perpetuating global structures of intermittent power that mask their
lack of democratic authority and systematic ineffectiveness" (1)
- Human Rights (upper case) ‘is a global structure of laws, courts, norms,
and organizations that raise money, write reports, run international
campaigns, open local offices, lobby governments, and claim to speak
with singular authority in the name of humanity as a whole' (ix) -- •
human rights (lower case) is about local communities, grassroots people
the world over, who seek to expose violence and abuse and bring
accountability, healing, compassion, solidarity, equality and love
- Eric Posner
- Posner argues that HR has failed in its initial task ("moral obligation
not to harm strangers, and possibly the moral obligation to help them
if they are in need" 9) and that an international HR legal regime (treaty
regime) is unable to improve the well-being of people around the
world. In his concluding chapter Posner argues in favour of
development economics as a means to improve the well-being in
foreign countries (a method that is "empirical rather than ideological"
- Posner's solution does not look to HR law but rather
development economics: -- Wealthy countries can (and
should) provide foreign aid to developing countries and use
tools of coercion if necessary (based on a rough sense of
whether the aid or coercion will enhance the well-being of
the population) (148) -- This should be done irrespective of
whether the government complies with HR treaties - HR
treaties should be abandoned