Zero Conditional


Mindmap am Zero Conditional, erstellt von lethycia maia am 15/09/2016.
lethycia maia
Mindmap von lethycia maia, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
lethycia maia
Erstellt von lethycia maia vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Zero Conditional
  1. Usa-se quando
    1. Queremos dar conselhos
      1. " If you were wrong, you should apologize "
      2. Queremos dar ordens
        1. " If you come home early, wash the dishes "
        2. Atestar leis Universais
          1. " If you don`t eat, you die "
          2. Atestar verdades
            1. " If you run too much, you will be tired "
            2. Comprovar fenômenos naturais
              1. "If it is summer, it maight be hot "
            3. Estrutura
              1. If + Simple Present + Simple Present
                1. " If you are my friend, you should tell me the truth "
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