Zusammenfassung der Ressource
History of Physics
- Since ancient times people have tried to
understand the nature and the phenomena
observed therein: the passing of the seasons, the
movement of bodies and stars, etc.
- The first explanations were based on philosophical
considerations and without performing experimental
verifications, this non-existent concept at the time.
- In the sixteenth century Galileo pioneered the use
of experiments to validate theories of physics. He
became interested in the movement of the stars and
bodies. Using the telescope observed that Jupiter
had satellites revolving around it.
- In the seventeenth century
Newton (1687) made the
classical laws of dynamics
(Newton's laws) and the law
of universal gravitation of
- From the eighteenth century the
development of other disciplines
such as thermodynamics,
statistical mechanics and physics
of fluids occurs.
- In the nineteenth century they
produced fundamental
advances in electricity and
- A finales de este siglo se
producen los primeros
descubrimientos sobre
radiactividad dando comienzo el
campo de la física nuclear. En
1897 Thomson descubrió el
- Siglo XX
- 1904 the first model of the atom was
- 1905 Einstein formulated the
theory special relativity
- 1915 Einstein extended the theory Special
Relativity formulated Theory general
relativity, which replaces the Law of
Gravitation Newton
- 1911 Rutherford deduced the
existence of a positively charged
atomic nucleus from experiences
of particle dispersion.
- 1925 Heisenberg y en 1926 Schrödinger y
Dirac formularon la Mecánica cuántica,