How far did the Weimar Republic recover? 1919-1929


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How far did the Weimar Republic recover? 1919-1929
  1. FASS
    1. Freikorps
      1. Against the Communists, the SPD Defence Minister, Gustav Noske, used bands of Freikorps. They were right-wing and enjoyed putting down the Communist revolts of 1919–1920.
      2. Army
        1. The Army, led by von Seeckt, was also right-wing, and enjoyed putting down the Communist revolts of 1923.
        2. strikes
          1. The Kapp Putsch was right-wing, so the Freikorps and Army refused to help the government. However, Ebert appealed to the workers of Berlin (who were left-wing), who went on strike. Berlin came to a standstill and the Putsch collapsed.
        3. Gustav Stresemann. 1924 led the government (he became Chancellor in August 1923).
          1. His achievements
            1. Dawes Plan!! 1923 Ruhr strike and started to pay reparations again – but the American Dawes Plan gave Germany longer to make the payments (and the Young Plan of 1929 reduced the payments).
              1. Inflation controlled, November 1923 Stresemann called in all the old, worthless marks and burned them. He replaced them with a new Rentenmark (worth 3,000 million old marks).
                1. Foreign Affairs In 1925, Stresemann signed the Locarno Treaty, agreeing to the loss of Alsace-Lorraine. In 1926, Germany was allowed to join the League of Nations. Germany had become a world power again.
                  1. Strength at the Centre. He arranged a 'Great Coalition' of the moderate pro-democracy parties (based around the SDP, the Centre party and Stresemann's own 'German people's Party', the DVP). United together, they were able to resist the criticism from smaller extremist parties, and in this way, he overcame the effects of proportional representation - the government had enough members of the Reichstag supporting it to pass the laws it needed.
                2. Culture Flourish
                  1. The 1920s became in Germany a time of real cultural creativity, with developments in Architecture, Art, Books, Films and Cabaret. Famous names of this period include: • the Bauhaus school of architecture, founded by Walter Gropius.• the singer and film star Marlene Dietrich • the artist Otto Dix (famous for his harsh paintings of World War One trenches).
                  2. Weakeness
                    1. Germany depended on economic success and prosperity, and this in turn was wholly based on American loans. If anything happened to undermine the American economy, the Weimar Republic would be in great danger.
                      1. Wall Street Crash on 1929
                      2. Extremist politicians were not won over by the good times. Right-wing nationalists still hated the Republic as the 'November criminals' - they just waited for a situation to arise which would give them the opportunity to attack the Weimar government.
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