Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Councils Act 1909
- Failure?
- Too radical for some, not
radical enough for others
- Extremists disliked
restricted electorate
- Congress
opposed sep.
electorates and
protection of
- Caused division in
Hindu-Muslim nationalists
- Seen as direct attempt to
divide and rule by some in
- Electorate was tiny
(4000 voted in total)
- Positions granted
purely advisory
- 168 resolutions made by
1917, 24 accepted
- Success?
- Indians involved in
policy - not huge but
legal significant voice
- End of all-white
colonial rule
- Supported by some educated
moderate Indians - Congress
supported reforms
- Didn't totally alienate -
evidence of those who
fought for Britain in WWI
- Muslims appeased
by separate
- Did drive wedge
between Muslim/Hindu
members for Congress
- Reforms
- 135 Indian members of
Councils (up from 39)
- 60 Indian reps elected to
Viceroy's council
- 27 from interest groups
(landowners, rich,
educated, Muslims etc)
officials still majority
- Provincial councils
enlarged - non
official majority
- Separate electorates -
Muslims ensured voice
- Reforms made law in Indian Councils Act 1909