Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Self Report
- Rating
- Likert Scales: Rating
agreement with a
statement from 1
(strongly disagree)
to 5 (strongly agree)
- Sematic Deferential Scales:
Like a Likert scale, but
words are polar opposites
- Open and
- Open Questions:
Provide written answers
(qualitative data) - Often
used in interviews
- Closed Questions:
Provide a limited
choice eg. Yes/No
- Types Of Data
- Quantitative Data: Numerical
data such as scores or lengths
- Qualitative Data:
Verbal or written data
such as descriptions
- Structured Vs
- Structured: Questions are
precise and planned in
advance - Often produce
quantitative statistical data
using closed questions
- Unstructured: Use open
questions to provide more
detailed qualitative answers