Zusammenfassung der Ressource
unit 2
- Scientific Approach to
- 1. Measurment and description,
finding techniques to measure
that make it possible to describe
- understanding and
predicating: ability to
understand and explain events
with reasons for occurrence
- Hypothesis is a tentative,
testable answer to a scientific
question relating and the
relationship between
- Variables: are any measurable
conditions, events,
characteristics or behaviours
that are controlled in a
experiment or study.
- Application and control: Applying
the findings from experiments to
assist in everyday life
- Scientific Techniques
- Direct Observation: watching and recording social
behaviours. Pros - Minimizes artificaliity. Cons - Difficult
to remain unobtrusive
- Experiment: Manipulation of the idependent variable to see
what changes occur in the dependent vaiable. Pros -
precise control of variables. Cons - often artifical
experiments and ethical dilemas
- Case studies: research that is used to look at individuals, groups of participants,
collecting data about participants using participant and direct observations, interviews,
Protocols, tests, examinations of records Pros - well suited to study certain phenomenas
and can provide data to support theories. Cons - subjectivity and clinical samples often
- Surveys: questionaires and interviews to collect data. Pros- ability to gather data
on hard to observe behaiour and easy to collect data. Cons - unrelaible due to
initention, bias, social desirabilty, etc.
- Experiements
- Indpendent vaiable: It is a variable that stands alone and
isn't changed by the other variables you are trying to
- Dependent variable: depends on other
factors, amount of change
- Experimental groups: exposed to independent variable and
are expected to create change
- Control Group: that does not receive treatment and is used as a
benchmark to measure how the other tested subjects do.
- Extraneous Variable: variables other than the independent variable which
may have an effect on the dependent variable.
- Correlation: when 2
variables are related to
each other
- Positive Correlation: when two variables co-vary in the same
direction Negetive correlation: when 2 vairables co-vary in
opposite directions
- Strength of correlation the closer to -100 or
100 the stronger, closer to 0 decrease.
- Just because there is a correlation does not mean the varibles are
dependent of one another. Causation, one event is the result of the
occurrence of the other event;
- Statisitcs - Mean:
Average of scores
in a distribution.
Median: The
Score that falls
ecaxtly in the
middle. Mode: is
the most
requesnt score
- Ethics
- i. Respect for the dignity of the persons
- ll. Responsible caring
- lll. Intergraty in relationships
- lV. Responisbility to society