Management Theories


Management Theories
Melanie Stamp
Mindmap von Melanie Stamp, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Melanie Stamp
Erstellt von Melanie Stamp vor etwa 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Management Theories
  1. Classical Management
    1. People are rational
      1. Scientific Management
        1. One best way to do the job
          1. Fredrick Taylor
            1. The father of scientific management
              1. Developed rules of motion, standardized work and proper working
                1. Goal was to increase the productivity of people at work
                2. The Gilbreths
                  1. Produced motion study
                    1. They reduced the number of motions used
                  2. Administrative Principles
                    1. Flow of organization through the organization
                      1. Henri Fayol
                        1. Believed that management could be taught
                          1. He formulated principles to guide management process
                            1. Identified what managers need to be successful
                            2. Mary Parker Follet
                              1. Believes people should work together and collaborate
                                1. Teamwork
                              2. Bureaucratic Organization
                                1. Rules, Procedure and division of labour
                                  1. Max Weber
                                    1. Invented Bureaucracy
                                      1. Efficent form of organization
                                  2. Behavioural Management
                                    1. People are social and self-actualizing
                                      1. The Hawthrone Studies
                                        1. Inital study examined how economic incentitives and physical conditions affected worker output
                                          1. Social and human concerns are keys to productivity
                                            1. It had an impact on group atmosphere's
                                            2. Masclow's Theory of Human Needs
                                              1. Involved a pyramid consisting of self-actualization, self-esteem, belonging, safety and physiological
                                                1. Deficient Principle: is a satisfied need that is not a motivator of behaviour
                                                  1. Progression Principle: is a need that becomes a motivator once the preceding lower-level need is satisfied
                                                  2. McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y
                                                    1. He argued that managers should devote more attention to people's social and self-actualizing needs at work
                                                      1. Theory X managers create situations where workers become ignorant
                                                        1. Theory Y managers create situations where workers respond with initiative and high performance
                                                        2. Argyris' Theory
                                                          1. Treat people like adults
                                                            1. Management practiced should increase task responsibilities, task variety and use participative decision making
                                                          2. Quantitative Management
                                                            1. People use math to solve managerial problems
                                                              1. Management Science
                                                                1. Uses mathematical techniques to solve and analyze problems
                                                                2. Qualitative Techniques
                                                                  1. Use of economic decision criteria such as costs, revenues and return on investment
                                                                    1. Mathematical Forecasting
                                                                      1. Helps make future projections that are useful in the planning process
                                                                        1. Ex: blueprints
                                                                        2. Linear Programming
                                                                          1. Used to calculate how best to distribute resources among competing uses
                                                                            1. Ex: Supply and demand
                                                                            2. Queing Theory
                                                                              1. Helps distribute workstations to minimize customer waiting time and service cost
                                                                                1. Ex: Customer service
                                                                                2. Network Models
                                                                                  1. Breaks larger taskes into smaller components to allows for better analysis
                                                                                    1. Ex: Flow chart of divisions
                                                                                    2. Simulations
                                                                                      1. Creates models of problems so different solutions under various assumptions can be tested
                                                                                        1. Ex: Bridge designs
                                                                                    3. Modern Management
                                                                                      1. People are complex and variable
                                                                                        1. Systems Thinking
                                                                                          1. Interacting all aspects of the business with the environment
                                                                                            1. Transforming resources into outputs
                                                                                            2. Continguency Thinking
                                                                                              1. Understanding there is not one best way to manage
                                                                                                1. The answer to problems will be situational
                                                                                              2. Continuing Management
                                                                                                1. People live in a dynamic and ever-changing environment
                                                                                                  1. Quality
                                                                                                    1. Link between competitive advantage and ability to deliver quality goods and services to customers
                                                                                                    2. 21st Century Leadership
                                                                                                      1. Being able to attract highly motivated works and inspire them to do their best work
                                                                                                      2. Global Awareness
                                                                                                        1. Understanding there are successful management practices around the world as well
                                                                                                        2. Learning Organization
                                                                                                          1. Approach to business that focuses on continually inproving
                                                                                                            1. Changes based on adapting to new circumstances
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