Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Appeasement and the First World War
- What is the meaning?
- It was a policy of avoiding war with aggressive
powers, like Germany and Japan, by giving way to
their demands
- two distinct phases
- Mid 1920s-1937
- There was a vague
feeling that war must be
avoided at ALL costs
- After Neville Chamberlain became PM in 1937
- Chamberlain believed in
meeting reasonable claims by
negotiating rather than force
- Many people felt
Germany and Italy
have genuine
- Italy had been cheated at Versailles and German had
harsh peace; wanted to revise clauses for Anglo-German
- Fear of communist Russia
- Essential to
avoid war
- The British public opinion was strongly pacifist
- Stanley Baldwin, the PM before
Chamberlain, had won Nov 1935
election: "I give you my word that
there will be no great
- British conservatives were willing to ignore unpleasant
Nazi features because Hitler was thought to be a buffer
against communist expansion westwards
- Britain was buying time to rearm
because they were unprepared for
- Therefore they negotiated and tried to deter
aggression through appeasement
- Economic co-operation would be
good for both countries.
- If German economy recovered, Nazism would die down.
- Personal contact between leaders encouraged
- For the LON had failed
- Chamberlain though he could civilize and control Hiter