Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Ballet Technique
- Turnout
- a rotation of the leg starting from the
hip that causes the knee and foot to
turn outward
- http://www.dancespirit.com/how-to/ballet/the_truth_about_turnout/
- Flexibility
- the range of movement in joints
and the length of the muscles
that cross those joints which allows
bending movement
- Musicality
- the matching of movement to the
rhythm or beat of the music
- Arch
- the ability of the foot to point
and create a "c" shape
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nh9fdJftCE
- Balance
- the ability to maintain an even
distribution of weight throughout the
body and remain upright and steady
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvRoNUnezo8
- Endurance
- the capacity to withstand long
periods of physical exercise
- http://dancemagazine.com/inside-dm/super-stamina/
- Partnering
- coordinated movement between two
dancers, usually male and female
- http://www.tightsandtiaras.com/2011/02/virtual-partnering/