
Mindmap am HOW DO PEOPLE LEARN?, erstellt von Maria Gracia Téllez am 28/09/2016.
Maria Gracia Téllez
Mindmap von Maria Gracia Téllez, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Maria Gracia Téllez
Erstellt von Maria Gracia Téllez vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. Cognitivism
    1. Piaget
      1. Role of the teacher:: manager.
        1. Repetitions, analogies and summaries
          1. Coorective feedback
            1. Problem-based learning
              1. Activities that he/she designs in class
              2. according to this theory
                1. Learning must be focused on how the main operates
                  1. The moind works inputing, storing and retrieving data
                    1. Memory is an important way of learning in this theory
                      1. Learning by discovery is fundamental
                      2. Roles of the different agents involved in learning
                        1. Role of the learner: active
                          1. His/her relations
                            1. with the other students
                              1. Competitive
                              2. with the teacher
                                1. The teacher constantly verifies the student learning
                        2. How do people learn?
                          1. Each learning theory has its own conviction about this
                            1. Behaviorism
                              1. Pavlov, Skinner and Thorndike
                                1. Role of the teacher: behaviour modifier
                                  1. Rewards and punishments
                                    1. Multiple opportunities tests
                                      1. Defines and illustrates concepts
                                        1. Activities that he/she designs in class
                                        2. according to this theory
                                          1. A person's environment determines his/her behaviour
                                            1. Behaviour is the response of stimulus-response
                                              1. ILearning must be focused on observable behaviour (not emotions, for example)
                                              2. Roles of the different agents involved in learning
                                                1. Role of the learner: passive
                                                  1. His /her relations
                                                      1. With the other students:
                                                        1. Individualistic
                                                        2. With the teacher
                                                          1. vertical (hierarchized)
                                                  2. Constructivism
                                                    1. Vygotsky
                                                      1. Role of the teacher: Dialogue facilitator and challenger
                                                        1. Prior knowledge connections
                                                          1. Scaffolding
                                                            1. Personal experiences relations
                                                              1. Colllaborative learning
                                                                1. Activities that he/she designs in class
                                                                2. Interdisciplinar projects
                                                                3. according to this theory
                                                                  1. SOcial and cultural tools are means to gain intelligence
                                                                    1. the object of study is the experience
                                                                      1. students must build their own knowledge
                                                                        1. Importance must be given to the process and not to the final product
                                                                          1. Learning is reflective
                                                                            1. Learning should promote curiosity
                                                                            2. Roles of the different agents involved in learning
                                                                              1. Role of the learner::: Active
                                                                                1. His/her relations
                                                                                  1. with the other students
                                                                                    1. Collaborative
                                                                                    2. with the teacher
                                                                                      1. Horizontal
                                                                          2. How to assist it?
                                                                            1. taken into account
                                                                              1. The environment (each context is different)
                                                                                1. That education must be inclusive (peoplelearn at different rhythms)
                                                                                  1. That students should feel a sense of community
                                                                                    1. That the student must be considered the centre of this process
                                                                                      1. That meaningful activities in which students can do prior knowledge connections must be provided
                                                                                    2. it is seen as a
                                                                                      1. PROCESS
                                                                                        1. the way of understanding learning determines the way of teaching
                                                                                          1. in which
                                                                                            1. The brain plays a role
                                                                                              1. Associations between prior knowledge and new information are essential
                                                                                                1. The learning environment makes a difference
                                                                                                  1. Social interactions are needed
                                                                                                    1. There are individual differences
                                                                                                    2. People feelings matter
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