Bill of Rights vs. Declaration of Independence, and Declaration of Sentiments


Perkins Carden
Perkins Carden
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Perkins Carden
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Bill of Rights vs. Declaration of Independence, and Declaration of Sentiments
  1. Declarations purpose was to let other nations know that we were free from the English crown
    1. Declaration listed the colonists grievences against the king
      1. Called the King a 'Tyrant"
        1. One of the major grievences was taxation without represenation
          1. Main purpose was to officially declare to everyon that they would no longer stand for the abuse of their rights by the king.
          2. Signed in 1776
          3. Bill of Rights purpose was to state the rights of people living in the newly created nation
            1. 1st amendment ensures that everyone will be represented in congress
              1. 3rd amendment ensure freedom of speech and press
                1. 5th amendment ensure that everyone has the right to bare arms.
                  1. Ratified in 1791, almost 20 years after Declaration.
                  2. The declaration was a separation from England because their rights weren't being respected. The Bill of Rights were to ensure these rights in the new government
                    1. Declaration of Sentiments
                      1. Grievences
                        1. Women couldn't vote
                          1. Divorce laws made it harder for women to divorce
                          2. Modeled after the Declaration of Independence
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