Zusammenfassung der Ressource
ICT stuths
- This is when people are working away from the workplace and access their files over the internet through
things such as cloud storage. This requires the system that stores the information to allow the worker to access
the files whilst out and about. They need to have the proper authentication to transfer and send files securely so
that sensitive data is not seen by others. Remote access can be by: sharing the desktop of a copmuter in the
office meaning the reomte computer appears to be using the desktop as if in the office. It can also be through a
virtual private network or VPN which is a secure system that appears to be a part of the company network.
Another way of remote working is through specialist software sich as transfer protocol software
- Diary management
- This lets users organise work schedules by creating appiontments/ meetings, inviting
participants to the meetings, suggesting alternate times if appiontmemnts clash with each
other and creating tasks and projects including who is to complete the tasks and the
deadline that it needs to be done by. Things can be shared quickly and easily through DMS
which is going to be useful for the scenario 1 i which work schedules need to be created
and synchronization is key as well as having high priority customers that need to be dealt
with quickly, the schedule can then be changed to suit the customers and the workers.
- Data capture forms
- Data has to be collected in a suitable
format so that it can be easily entered or
input into a computer and then processed
to provide the information required. Data
capture forms can be paper based or
online and each has their own advantages
and disadvantages
- Paper based
- Some people do not like to have their data
collected online so prefer to fill out paper based
forms. Paper based forms can be filled out by a
member of staff who asks questions and writes the
answers on the form. the data from the form will
often then be put into a database.
- For paper based forms a
computer is not needed to read it
and information can be filled in
quickly by the customer.
- Disadvantages are that paper
based forms can be lost or
damaged and they take up space in
the office etc.Also paper based
forms cannot be easily modified.
- Online forms
- Friendlier to the environment
- Less paper used, less space needed
- Faster distribution
- Increase accuracy of information because of data validation
- Automated data capture methods
- Light sensors
- Pressure sensors
- Temperature sensors
- PH sensors
- Smartphones
- These are able to make
telephone conversations which
could be between colleagues
- Sending and recieving
Emails which could be sent
between colleagues
- They can be used to keep business
diaries and set reminders for certain
tasks that need to be done
- Calendar to set dates and
times for things such as
meetings, jobs etc
- Sending and recieving text messages
which could be used as a quick
conversation method between workers
- Using applications, they
could be GPS, Photographic,
Finding locations etc
- You can get an app for DMS to
use DMS on the move with your
- These could be used to keep in
touch with customers
- An acceptable use policy (AUP) is a policy that a user must agree to follow in order to be
provided with access to a network or to the Internet. It is common practice for many businesses
and educational facilities to require that employees or students sign an acceptable use policy
before being granted a network ID. When you sign up with an Internet service provider ( ISP ),
you will usually be presented with an AUP, which states that you agree to adhere to stipulations
such as: •Not using the service as part of violating any law •Not attempting to break the security
of any computer network or user •Not posting commercial messages to Usenet groups without
prior permission •Not attempting to send junk e-mail or spam to anyone who doesn't want to
receive it •Not attempting to mail bomb a site with mass amounts of e-mail in order to flood their
server Users also typically agree to report any attempt to break into their accounts.
- Remote synchronisation
- It is an update for different devices that
brings them to the same level
- It can also mean you can sync without a wire
- Data protection Act
- This protects sensitive information
about people compsnies and
businesses and stops the public
display of this data.
- Data held must be held securely