Bill of Rights vs. The Declaration of Independence


Reid Eastis
Mindmap von Reid Eastis, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Reid Eastis
Erstellt von Reid Eastis vor etwa 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Bill of Rights vs. The Declaration of Independence
  1. Bill of Rights
    1. Written by: James Madison
      1. A list of protected rights
        1. Ratified on September 25, 1789
          1. Influenced by the Virginia Declaration of Independence
    2. Declaration of Independence
      1. Written by:
        1. Thomas Jefferson
          1. Ben Franklin
          2. John Adams
            1. Roger Sherman
            2. Robert R. Livingston
            3. Signed on July 4, 1176
              1. Wrote to declare independence from England
                1. Listed a list of complaints towards the king
            4. Both documents were used to protect rights of people.
              1. Declaration of Sentiments
                1. Grievances
                  1. Women cant vote
                    1. Divorce laws make it hard for women to divorce me.
                      1. Women were viewed as basically objects
                  2. Modeled after the declaration of independence
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